AE Manufacturing’s commitment to quality is total and uncompromising. We recognize the important role that we play in the engineering industry, and we are ready, and willing to fulfil the specified needs of that industry in terms of sales and service, comprehensive and modern engineering facilities backed by technical and quality assurance personnel.
The AE Manufacturing Quality Assurance program has been structured to comply with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015, also incorporating the additional requirements of all our major customers in the automotive industry and considering the needs and expectations of our interested parties in order to increase the value that our Quality Management System creates.
This program is furthermore committed to a system of defect prevention as opposed to detection by embracing a philosophy of risk-based thinking through regularly analysing our business to achieve sustainability.
The Quality manual defines the ways in which the Quality Management System and the associated, referenced Quality Processes shall be implemented, operated, and maintained to ensure that AE Manufacturing will only supply products that conform to engineering specifications and standards appropriate to the requirements of our customers.
All the activities of AE Manufacturing that relate to quality shall be carried out in a defined manner.
Our journey is a process of total quality management striving for continuous improvement in all we do in order to fulfil objectives of providing high quality products on time and at the lowest costs. AE Manufacturing will set and review objectives to suit the Management system.
The established Quality Management System (QMS) has the full support of the Members of AE Manufacturing, and every employee is hereby directed to follow instructions and defined operating procedures and is responsible for carrying out their respective duties correctly and in accordance with this policy.
This policy will be reviewed annually for continually improvement.
To prevent problems rather than detection after occurrence. Aiming for zero defects, by using a continuous improvement philosophy.
To attain and maintain the highest level of customer satisfaction with regards to supply and quality requirements.
To consistently deliver quality products to our customers specifications.
To ensure that customer satisfaction is never compromised.
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Office information:
6 Stephenson Street,
Deal Party
Contact details:
Tel: (041) 463-3320
Fax: (041) 463-3323
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